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Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/1233

Título: Solving Transactional Control in Current Management Frameworks
Autores: Roque, Vítor
Palavras Chave: Policy based management
network management
Data: Apr-2004
Editora: ICEIS2004
Resumo: Policy Based Network Management has been presented as a paradigm for efficient and customisable management systems. The IETF has provided a framework to describe the concept but some aspects still open like transactional control. In fact transactional control mechanisms are receiving today great attention in the scope of network management. In here, we identify the lacks of current management paradigms concerning transactional control and we propose a policy-based network management system that allows specify operations over aggregations of agents and that provides high-level atomic transactions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/1233
Aparece nas Colecções:Artigos em Acta de Conferência Nacional (ESTH)

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