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Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/2409

Título: Communication without borders
Autores: Ribeiro, María del Carmen
Chumbo, Isabel
Data: Dec-2014
Editora: Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Resumo: We are very pleased to present this volume of research, due to the variety and quality of work by a number of the participants in the event, sponsored once again by two national associations working through a network to promote new and dynamic synergies. This publication is the result of the selected papers presented at Languages 2011: Communication without borders, the X Meeting of Aprolíngu@s and the II Meeting of ReCLes.pt, respectively the Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Línguas Estrangeiras no Ensino Superior (Aprolíngu@s – the Portuguese Association of Foreign Language Teachers in Higher Education) and the Associação de Centros de Línguas no Ensinos Superior em Portugal (ReCLes.pt – the Network Association of Language Centres in Higher Education in Portugal).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/2409
ISBN: 978-972-8681
Aparece nas Colecções:Capítulo de Livro (ESTG)

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