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Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/2476

Título: Didatizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem da filosofia da educação
Autores: Reis, Carlos Sousa
Formosinho, Maria
Data: 2013
Resumo: This paper discusses the dominant educational paradigms for teaching philosophy, advocating a perspective internally related to the veny nature of the philosophical activity. In our view, such a process should promote a set of skills that can only be brought about in the context of learning to philosophize. A philosophy didactics, thus understood, assumes that the learning objectives and the processes to achieve them are congruent with the essentially operative nature of philosophy itself, ie, result from its own intrinsic dynamics and lead it. Our didactical approach relies on the selection of a set of philosophical “problematics", A "problematic" being a philosophical theme that has raised a complex net of perspectives, which one sustained by a constellation of arguments. In order to address a “problematic” the learner must start philosophizing on its own. Taking “problematics” as a starting point for activating Iearning is to assume a number of tasks that can be realized and that the content itself will be instrumentally requested to match the process. Contents do not appear, therefore, as a system structured from the outset to define a path of study. It is hoped that once the “problematics" should contain an intrinsic motivation, the order of approach mediated by a set o tasks to be accomplished should request a triple process of integration: into the logical and conceptual structures, into the philosophical problems, and into disciplines, that structure the requested contents functionally assimilated by the individual learner. Alongside with the above mentioned didactical approach, we seek to further the framework of congruent teaching strategies and the appropriate methods of evaluation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/2476
Aparece nas Colecções:Artigos em Acta de Conferência Internacional (ESECD)

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