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Título: Empirical Evidence of Corporate Social responsibility in Portugal
Autores: Abreu, Rute
David, Fátima
Palavras Chave: Ethic
Behavioural Aspect
Portuguese enterprises
Corporate social responsibility
Data: 2004
Editora: Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão da Guarda, Portugal
Relatório da Série N.º: 657.ABR
Resumo: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) evidence and, especially, the experiences and practices of enterprises in Portugal are explored in this research. As a generally accepted principle, the corporate social report is a communication and measurement object. But there are limitations concerning availability and accuracy of the data that could create constraints and diminish the scope of this report. CSR is an area of considerable scientific and technical discussion. Thus, . the methodology for this paper is subdivided into two different aspects of research: First, an individual perspective about each enterprise studied and Second, a general perspective applied to the research in Portugal. The sample used in this paper was based on the survey developed by the Instituto ETHOS (Brazil), applied to a sample of enterprises that has been carried out in Portugal, during the year 2002. It was published by the review Exame (2003), in a special edition called The Guide of Socially Responsible Enterprises. So, the authors of this paper analyze and present the results that are of benefit in the domain of competitiveness of each enterprise as generalized ideas applied to all. In order to do so the authors develop a principal component analysis, as an exploratory instrument, to reduce the original data. The preliminary analysis generated three components of corporate social responsibility: specifically the external image influence (CSR external image), the market influence (CSR market) and the operative influence (CSR operative) of the enterprises in Portugal. The main objective of this research is to instigate the discussion of this subject by choosing dynamic and differentiated examples presented in the survey, and with other public documents as secondary sources, which focus upon the fragile bounds of the situation concerning this area and upon the difficulties of concepts and interpretations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/536
ISSN: 1645-6920
Aparece nas Colecções:Estudos e Documentos de Trabalho da ESTG

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