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Título: Implementing of an Assessment Performance System in a Small Medium Enterprise (SME): case study DROISI - Portugal
Autores: Baía, Amândio
Palavras Chave: Assessment
Competitive advantage
Data: 2013
Resumo: People are the main asset of organizations and when motivated reveal a irreplaceable resource for obtaining competitive advantage. The company DROISI in Portugal, a SME in the Civil Construction Sector, with 40 workers, is facing lack of productivity with the consequent lack of competitively, due a work force low in morale caused by a crisis faced in this sector. The implementation of a Assessment Performance System, based on the active participation of the workers, on clear, objective and achievable goals, with the participation of the workers in the definition of fair organizational policies and on procedures of rewards distributions and job autonomy in the decision making process of the activities, proved decisive. Today DROISI, has happier employees, reduced absenteeism and turnover, increased competitiveness but above all consolidated a quality image in its stakeholders.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10314/2465
ISSN: 1943-6114
Aparece nas Colecções:Artigos em Acta de Conferência Internacional (ESTG)

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