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Registos por Assunto "Corporate Social Responsibility"

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Registos 8.

2004 The Corporate Social Responsibility - Exploration inside the Experiences and Pratices in EU Level David, Fátima; Abreu, Rute
2004 Empirical Evidence of Corporate Social responsibility in Portugal Abreu, Rute; David, Fátima
2004 Social Responsibility: Reality and Illusion? David, Fátima; Abreu, Rute
19-Apr-2006 Accounting for Health Care - Corporate Social Responsibility Abreu, Rute; David, Fátima
2007 Accounting for higher education institutions - the impact of corporate social responsibility Abreu, Rute; David, Fátima; Martins, Nélia; Rei, Constantino
Aug-2008 Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Income Tax: An Overview David, Fátima; Gallego, Isabel
2009 The interrelationship between corporate income tax and corporate social responsibility David, Fátima; Gallego, Isabel
Sep-2015 Women in board: the influence of women as CFO in the level of disclosure of brazilian firms Segura, Liliane; Abreu, Rute; Formigoni, Henrique; David, Fátima; Mantovani, Flávio